User centered design

Give the customer what she wants... and more

Doubtless, the success of any information system is strongly based on the level of satisfaction a user has when utilizing it. A customer won't return to a restaurant where they serve her badly. The same thing will happen with a system: if a user doesn't have a good experience using it, she will only return to it if there's no other choice, and you can bet she'll be using it against her will. On the other hand, a satisfied user will gladly return to the system and will interact with it in a most efficient way.

What should any user be able to do in any spot of an interface? Whatever the developer designs. It's the developer's job to make sure the user won't lose time trying to figure out what's next, or what option to select. Even though the experience of a particular user will be closely tied to her own context, the developer's duty is to maximize the possibility of creating a positive user experience.

At Isocraft, User Centered Design (UCD) is not a product offered in a separate package: it's implicitly included in every step of the execution of any project. Beginning with the definition and all the way through the final implementation, we study carefully the profile of the target users trying to offer them a good experience that will bring them back to the system willingly.